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Annie King is a chartered legal executive with more than 6 years’ experience in
dealing with residential conveyancing. Annie has completed hundreds of
purchases for first-time buyers as well as investors including shared ownership
properties, new build homes and conventional properties.
This book is Part One – Freeholds. It provides a full guide of how to go about
buying a property from your initial thoughts until completion of your purchase and
your first years as a homeowner including how to look after your property and sell
it. The book contains detailed information about the legal process of buying a
residential property in England and Wales step by step, explaining how it all
works, what can cause delays and what may speed it up. This book is supple-
mented by a website – www.buy-your-home.co.uk which contains examples of
the standard documents and forms you will see during the process.
Part One – Freeholds will help you with ideas about every aspect of your purchase
– from how to improve your credit score and save more e ciently to what
expenses to expect in your first year as a homeowner.
The book contains 14 appendices which are useful tools to have at every stage of
the process. They can be downloaded for free from the website. The appendices
are lists, tables and work sheets which will help you plan and manage your own
Part Two – Leaseholds, New Builds, Land to Build and Social Housing, o ers
detailed information about the specifics when buying these types of properties.
The book has been published with the kind support of Umbrella Protect Ltd –
mortgage and insurance specialists.


Annie King is a chartered legal executive with more than 6 years’ experience in
dealing with residential conveyancing. Annie has completed hundreds of
purchases for first-time buyers as well as investors including shared ownership
properties, new build homes and conventional properties.
Part One – Freeholds, is a detailed explanation of how to go about buying a home
in England and Wales. The book contains detailed information about the legal
process of buying a residential property in England and Wales step by step,
explaining how it all works, what can cause delays and what may speed it up.
This book is supplemented by a website – www.buy-your-home.co.uk which
contains examples of the standard documents and forms you will see during the
This book is Part Two – Leaseholds, New Builds, Land to Build and Social
Housing. It o ers detailed information about the specifics when buying these
types of properties.
Part Three – Appendices contains 14 appendices which are useful tools to have at
every stage of the process. These can be used as personalised lists and tables to
plan and manage your own purchase. Part Three – Appendices is available to
download for free from the website – www.buy-your-home.co.uk.
The book has been published with the kind support of Umbrella Protect Ltd –
mortgage and insurance specialists.


Annie King is a chartered legal executive with more than 6 years’
experience in dealing with residential conveyancing. Annie has completed
hundreds of purchases for first-time buyers as well as investors including
shared ownership properties, new build homes and conventional

Part One – Freeholds, is a detailed explanation of how to go about buying a
home in England and Wales. The book contains detailed information about
the legal process step by step, explaining how it all works, what can cause
delays and what may speed it up. Part One – Freeholds is supplemented by
a website – www.buy-your-home.co.uk which contains examples of the
standard documents and forms you will see during the process.

Part Two – Leaseholds, New Builds, Land to Build and Social Housing
o ers detailed information about the specifics when buying these types of

This is Part Three – Appendices. It contains 14 appendices which are
useful tools to have at every stage of the process. These can be used as
personalised lists and tables to plan and manage your own purchase. Part
Three – Appendices is available for download for free from the website –

The book has been published with the kind support of Umbrella Protect
Ltd – mortgage and insurance specialists.

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