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SEO - консултация
€ 100

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) (Оптимизиране на уебсайт спрямо търсачката) е термин абревиатура на набор от услуги, които спомагат вашия уебсайт да излиза при търсене по напред от тези на конкуренцията.

Ако тепърва мислите да започнете работа по вашия SEO може да попаднете на безброй онлайн скъпо струващи курсове, хиляди и безброй видеа, професионалисти готови да изпълният вашите желания, но малко хора биха Ви казали как точно във вашият конкретен случай да подходите, така че да го разберете. Ние ви предлагаме точно това, като за начало с опция ако изберете нашите услуги да приспаднем сумата за консултация и така вашата консултация ще стане безплатна, а вие ще сте спестили от безброй теоритични курсове и спечелили решения и време.

Защо SEO e добра инвестиция?

SEO e възможно най-добрата инвестиция на вашия онлайн магазин/уеб сайт за продажби, тъй като вложените средства за оптимизиране имат най-голяма възвращаемост и впоследствие това става една напълно безплатна и високо - стойностна за вас реклама за много време напред.

Вашата landing page?

Изберете страницата, която може да постигне целите ви, внимателено. Тя е витрина към вашите услуги.

Съвместен проект с ГБИТК
Всичко започна от изкачването на връх в Пирин. Не мина много време и се роди идеята да бъде създаден виртуален пътеводител за млади енергийни скаути. С екипа на Dolphin Marketing Press работехме на една вълна, създаде се атмосфера на доверие и креативност. И резултатите не закъсняха – интерактивен метод за описание на стъпките на проект Young Energy Europe с формата на планински връх. С голяма гордост се „хвалим“ пред европейските ни колеги и с новите брошури, чиято визия пресъздава точно концепцията на YEE и е доказателство за професионално свършена работа.

Д-р инж. Красимира Димитрова

Ръководител проект „Young Energy Europe“, Германо-Българска индустриално-търговска камара

I worked with Georgi at Southampton Solent University, working on the Digital Mentoring Scheme for HeadStart UK. Georgi’s role was to lead and orchestrate a scheme for school pupils to teach them about e- safety and I can only speak volumes about what he has achieved for the Solent and the HeadStart programme. Georgi has fantastic leadership skills that helped to ensure that the project ran smoothly and that all the media mentors were focused and motivated. Georgi was able to balance this highly stressful project between his own personal projects and studies; all completed without a sweat! Georgi has a has fantastic enthusiasm and insured that those working with him and the pupils and teachers of the schools involved in the scheme were inspired and warmed by his welcoming presence. Georgi was fantastic at both creating engaging content for the pupils, as well as fully organising the schedule for the pupils who visited Solent for the HeadStart workshops. As a result, both University staff, school teachers and pupils invloved with the HeadStart events were left inspired and motivated by Georgi’s time management skills, his energy and passion. Georgi is a great role model for the school pupils who visited and to the University. His constant enthusiasm to the HeadStart project, incomparable team and project skills and his passion working with young people ensured many successful events and funding for the project for this coming year. An absolute pleasure working with you Georgi; a credit to the University

Rachael Magennis

Media Technitian, University of Glasgow

Georgi is an excellent leader and team member. He always makes sure everyone is on task and enjoying themselves all at the same time. He is organised, passionate and one of the most hardworking people I have ever met.
Sophie Feist

MSP Executive, Ranstad

Georgi is an excellent team leader. He always makes sure that everyone knows what they are doing and is dedicated to everything that he does. He has quickly become my friend and I wholeheartedly wish him the best of luck in the future.

Jacob McSorley

I strongly recommend my colleague, Georgi Ivanov, for employment. I have had the pleasure of working alongside him for a couple of years in the media mentor scheme at Solent Students’ Union. I have had the opportunity to observe his professional skills as well as interpersonal style. He is consistently pleasant and takes on all assignments with enthusiasm and dedication. I wish that all my co-workers had his attitude. Regardless of deadlines or other pressure, Georgi always delivers. His superior organizational skills make him the consummate multi-tasker. Therefore, I believe he has what it takes to make every employer proud and ready for the next challenge that Georgi can handle with a smile on his face.

Marica Scevlikova

Assistant Registar, Edward's School Oxford

I have had the pleasure of working with Georgi for the past year as my team leader at Solent University library. He is an absolute pleasure to work with. Always on time, hard-working and extremely attentive when on the job. He is an energetic and friendly person who is always on the ball and knows how to motivate the people in his team. Because of his nature, he is very easy to work with and even though he was my senior, he made me feel on the same level as him. He is approachable on all levels and is always willing to give help where needed! 🙂

Mark Alderwick